

Please tell me, because I know little of current international opinion about human rights.

In fact, Japanese Imperial Army had (mobile) military brothels and some Koreans worked there. There is no evidence of mandatory power or slavery in recruiting Korean women as prostitutes.

But some people in South Korea, United Nations and even in Japan, insist that the Japanese military brothels at that time emerges now as a serious human right violation and Japan should be condemned, even retroactively.

They insist that they shall be able to judge the past (which is not necessarily reality) with present standards. Please tell me what legal theory justifying this allegation. Or I want to know the name of legal scholars who propose such theory.

Besides Japan, whose more than ten successive prime ministers have kept apologizing, and who established Asian Women's Fund, is there any country thay made apologies, compensations, or any much more serious efforts for solving military brothel issues?

Be responsible? Okay, tell me please, who should do what for whom until when to be responsible for the past since when? No one can answer. That's the raison d'être of the principle of non-retroactivity of law. Why can human rights of so-called comfort women ignore the principle?

Navi Pillay from South Africa was a lawyer, a legal soldier fighting against apartheid. Now she is a United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Her true role is an arbitrator, or a pacificator, who listens to multiple conflict opinions, tries to find a common ground, and settle the issues peacefully. But she was a fighting-for-human-rights lawyer. "Listening to opponent opinions" is not on her dictionary.

She expressed "profound regret that Japan has failed to pursue a comprehensive, impartial and lasting resolution of the issue of wartime sexual slavery." Well, what is "sexual slavery"? What does "a comprehensive, impartial, and lasting resolution" mean? And she warned that human rights of “comfort women” continue to be violated decades after the end of the Second World War. Does she know what she's saying?
ピレイは「日本が戦時性奴隷制度問題において包括的、不偏で永続的な解決策を追求しないことに深い遺憾の意」を表明したそうだが、「性奴隷制度」って何?「包括的、不偏で永続的な解決策」って何すりゃいいの? そして「慰安婦」とやらの人権が第二次大戦後数十年にわたって侵害され続けてるというのだが、なにこの人頭おかしいの?

Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan's major newspapers, quoted a Japanese man who claims that he had conducted "human-hunting" in Jeju Island, present-day South Korea, to force them work in military brothels (Yoshida's account). This was the commencement of time of passion for Japan. Despite of many questions in Yoshida's account from the beginning, his story-telling and some "comfort women's" shaky testimonies resulted Kono Statement in 1993 which admitted the forcible recruitment. At last, Yoshida just told big lies. The second Abe Administration organised a study team on the war-time military brothels. The team concluded that it was not possible to confirm that women were forcefully recruited. Shortly before this, Sankei Shimbun, another major newspaper, revealed that the grounds of Kono Statement are completely shaky.

Through the present position, the conditions of brothel workers seem some kind of miserable. But law is required not to retroact. Pillay insists “this is not an issue relegated to history. It is a current issue, as human rights violations against these women continue to occur as long as their rights to justice and reparation are not realised.” Does she mean the interruption of prescription? Or disclamation of gain of prescription? In fact, Kono Statement may mean the interruption or disclamation of gain. But the grounds of the Statement are now collapsed.

Pillay says that Japan "also called for access to justice and reparations for victims and their families, the disclosure of all evidence available, and education in the country surrounding the issue." Was she a lawyer? That's probatio diabolica! No evidence to disclose. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.

What to educate children? Pillay's allegation is very similar to Korean Government's implications to Japan, or that of Secretary-General Ban Gimoon. Should we tell children to be loyal to their boss?